Manuka Honey

Depending on the weather Manuka blooms between August and November. It is one of the first native tree species to bloom in the New Zealand spring. Because other trees bloom later the nectar available during this period is almost unique to the Manuka flower. By siting our hives amongst Manuka bush we can maximise the flow of Manuka honey. Once the Manuka bloom has finished we harvest those boxes allowing us to increase the chances of monofloral quality.

Honey by the Sea MANUKA honey is harvested and sent to a CERTIFIED laboratory to test the content of its purity and antibacterial property. As we don’t want to belong to UMF® marketing trade mark (and pay its high fees), we grade the honey by its ACTIVE ingredient: METHILGLYOXAL (MG)/Kg

Download the Laboratory test Certifying MG minimum content along with other measured ingredients

Click here to view the certificate

As we like to think that honey is like a wine, Manuka honey’s active properties seems to follow the rule of maturity leading to excellence. Antibacterial activity increases with time and the temperature it is stored at.

Every year is a new start. The weather, the trees and the bees combined combine to make a secret recipe. Every year the honey will express its season.

We don’t mess with that; we bring you what the bees make best, seasonal honey.